Fyve's note: This picture came out really nice!
NAME: Azran
Race: Celestial
Date of Birth: ??/??/????
Likes: Attempting to Socialize, Sleeping, Stargazing
Dislikes: Bright lights, Coffee, Being watched
Fyve's note: This picture came out really nice!
NAME: Azran
Race: Celestial
Date of Birth: ??/??/????
Likes: Attempting to Socialize, Sleeping, Stargazing
Dislikes: Bright lights, Coffee, Being watched
I spend far more time studying others rather than myself, so it is strange having write to about me.
Firstly, I am, or moreso was, a celestial.
A celestial is one of a handful of powerful beings some would call "gods".
Due to events that transpired many years ago, my power has greatly diminished to the point I am much more akin to one of your kind now.
Since then I have been striving to learn more about the mortals of this world.
My attempts have been quite successful as well.
Repeat interactions with the denizens of Driftport have led to them referring to me as "Twag".
I do not entirely understand the meaning of "Twag" but it is probably another mortal word for "friend" as they seemed to find humor in calling me it.
Other successful interactions include the time I stood outside of a mortal "diner" for several hours.
Once I even held a conversation with a person made entirely of vapor, I pursued them around for some time hoping to continue our exchange.
Unfortunately I suspect I may have been too overbearing as they ended up chasing me throughout the city, demolishing several small buildings in the process.
Afterwards, they agreed to tell me more about themselves simply because it was "fun to chase me around", so I considered it a successful interaction despite the property damage.
Lastly, I have been visiting a grocery mart in order to purchase pancake flour for Fyve.
One of the employees of that establishment is quite pleasant to talk to and our conversations have only ended in destruction of the store once.
I suppose in their defense it was caused by me trying to shoplift, though in my defense Fyve was hungry and I desperately required that pancake flour.
All is fine now as he and I have settled our differences and now I even work with him in that store, much to his annoyance.
Despite this, I suspect he seems to enjoy my presence.
As mentioned earlier, I was a celestial.
Long ago, I cast the stars that you see suspended all around this world.
Those stars were used to watch down upon the world in order to protect it.
I have long since lost the ability to create new stars, though I can still faintly see through them with much strain.
Since then, I have been in a constant state of fatigue.
Back then I never had a need to eat or sleep, yet now I frequently find myself struggling to stay awake.
It does not matter if I list my weaknesses here as the one who could make use of that knowledge has long since been aware of them.
They are contained in a realm outside of this reality, though I know that the bonds that held them are slowly cracking.